Tide ad

There are many technical codes used in the poster to persuade a 50's audience, which is the era of the poster. I will be highlighting the use of layout, design, colours, images and graphics. The poster makes use of all of these and more.

The main image on the poster is a depiction of a white young woman which makes the poster identifiable with the target audience which would most likely be white women. She is also depicted as having hearts around her head making her seem in love with the product and the way she is cuddling it further reiterates this fact.

The use of bright colours and a bold title makes the poster stand out and seem eye catching. This makes the product seem premium and the target audience would want to buy it. The target audience again is clearly reiterated by the slogan of 'Tides got what women want!', this slogan directly targets this audience and we can use Barthes theory to show that this slogan implies that the product is almost life changing and has 'what women want'.

The poster also makes use of graphics to highlight what the product can do for our target audience.  In the top right there is a clear depiction of a washing machine and a woman showing how easy it is to do washing with tide. This makes tide seem like an ideal product and this would clearly appeal to the target audience. In the late 50's there was a boom in home appliances which made housework easier. By including a washing machine the poster appeals to the audience by embracing the new technology.

The poster makes use of bright red text to highlight the main things the product wants to get across to the target audience. Clean and Tide are both highlighted in the same sentence and as they stand out the consumer associates the two words together.


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