Negative English Stereotypes

The stereotype I decided to write about is the negative English stereotype. There are a few key stereotypes people think English people fall into. The image I have selected shows many different English stereotypes including : bad teeth, drunks, bad whether and patriotic.

The first negative English stereotype which is shown in this picture is that English people have bad teeth. Despite whether or not this stereotype is true this picture shows a man with very few teeth. This stereotype is constantly referenced in tv and one good example I found was a clip from the Simpsons where a kid is being scared by a 'book of English smiles'. This is clearly a negative stereotype as its insulting to English people.

Another English stereotype which is shown clearly in this image is the stereotype that all English people are drunks. This stereotype is particularly insulting and is definitely a negative stereotype. The other insulting stereotype in this image is the bad whether stereotype. This is the stereotype that it only rains in England. Although this stereotype probably has truth it is still a negative stereotype of the country.

The last stereotype I would like to discuss about this image is the patriotic part of it. The man clearly has a union flag and English flag on. This is somewhat positive and negative because being patriotic isn't a bad stereotype but the way its being portrayed makes it negative.

Using all these stereotypes the media, mainly film and tv, inject the idea of these stereotypes until people think they are fact. A lot of these stereotypes and many more create this idea of either a posh englishman or a rigid football fan.


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