Straight Outta Compton Trailer

This is the advert for straight outta Compton, straight outta compton is based on a group of young men that want to introduce rap to the work however the authorities do not want this and try to arrest them.

There are a number of target audiences. The biggest would probably be teens as it is relatable to a younger audience who wouldn't have witnessed these stories but would've grown up hearing about them. It also appeals to an older audience as it plays on that 80's nostalgia. It would also relate to slightly older people because they would've remembered the N.W.A and again plays on that nostalgia.

There is a huge variety of shot types in the ad ranging from wides to close ups and many cinematic techniques are used. This creates the idea of cinematic value and makes the audience think this film is very professional which in turn would persuade them to see it. 

Voice overs are also used to give an overview of the narrative. This helps the audience understand more of the plot and fills in any blanks to people who aren't aware of the events. This would help an audience unfamiliar with the events and also persuade them to see it. Police sirens and other sound effects are used to create tension and suspense in the trailer which also suggests authority.

There are some very recognisable branding graphics which makes the film seem accessible to a large audience. This font also helps to establish genre and the style of film making it available to a wider audience. This also adds production value as some people would interpret this as highly professional and want to see the film because of that. 


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