Film Trailers and Posters
'The Silence Of The Lambs' is a 1991 American horror thriller film which follows a young FBI agent who seeks help from a serial killer. The film perfectly reflects the style and genre of the film, being horror thriller. The film is very eerie and the poster reflects that. It is dark and the women depicted on the front has red eyes. It shows a moth covering her mouth which fits into the theme of silence. There is a skull on the moth which also fits in with the horror theme. The fact that the poster only shows one character with not much explanation gives a viewer a sense of mystery as they don't know who or what the main character is. A hidden secret in this film poster is within the skull on the moth. Although at first glance it seems like a normal skull it is actually a Salvador Dali picture called 'in voluptas mors'. The picture in question represents the transience of life, which also reflects the theme of the film.
The second film I will be looking at is the lobster. The Lobster is a dystopian film where people have 45 days to find a partner or else they are turned into an animal. This films is very obscure and the trailer physically reflects this. Throughout the trailer there is a sense or eeriness and uncertainty to whats going on. From the trailer we gage that it is set in a dystopian future, which is drastically different from the world we live in. Nearer the end of the trailer there are some critic reviews. All these reviews are good and code the film as an obscure masterpiece. The majority of the trailer is bright which shows that although this future is bleak and different, there are some comedic aspects to the movie. There are some little jokes in the trailer which set a tone of calmness and not as bleak as previously thought. The trailer is also littered with cute animals which contrast the main protagonist's decision of a lobster.
The second film I will be looking at is the lobster. The Lobster is a dystopian film where people have 45 days to find a partner or else they are turned into an animal. This films is very obscure and the trailer physically reflects this. Throughout the trailer there is a sense or eeriness and uncertainty to whats going on. From the trailer we gage that it is set in a dystopian future, which is drastically different from the world we live in. Nearer the end of the trailer there are some critic reviews. All these reviews are good and code the film as an obscure masterpiece. The majority of the trailer is bright which shows that although this future is bleak and different, there are some comedic aspects to the movie. There are some little jokes in the trailer which set a tone of calmness and not as bleak as previously thought. The trailer is also littered with cute animals which contrast the main protagonist's decision of a lobster.
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