Dear Future Husband Analysis

The music video for ‘dear future husband’, deals with themes or irony and stereotype of men and women. Most of the video depicts the star, Meghan Trainer, dressed in very stereotypical 50’s clothing.

During the video she is wearing a red apron and clothes from that time period. This is because the 50’s was very known for the stay at home mum.  Much of the music video is ironic in the sense that she is singing about how women are as equal as men are yet throughout the entire video she is shown to be doing stereotypical women jobs such as cleaning, cooking and housework. Much of this irony comes down to the fact that the lyrics say that although the man may have a 9 till 5 ‘so does she’. I think throughout the video Meghan trainer is trying to purposefully contradict herself with the stereotypes in the video until it leads up till the end. Throughout the music video she is constantly referencing the fact that she wants a strong man that can cook and be a gentleman, I think that the irony of this video is purposefully built up until the last scene where the man she choose is a pretty ordinary man who although does fit some categories doesn’t live up to all the things she is said to have wanted. I think that she has purposefully made it this way to show how that all of the things she listed are old fashioned and we shouldn’t adopt those roles now. 

To reiterate my previous point about how Meghan Trainer’s song is about breaking these stereotypes, when she is depicted doing these very stereotypical dated jobs she is always doing them very badly or not at all. E.G. when she is cleaning the floor she isn’t really washing it just waving the brush around. This also reiterates my point on breaking stereotypes as I think she is trying to get across the fact that men and women now shouldn’t be stereotyped to jobs or expectations that are clearly dated. Again at the end of the music video when she picks the ordinary guy you can clearly see how her appearance changes from the dated 50’s clothes to a more modern outfit. This shows a transition in time and shows how all the misogynistic views should be left in the past.     


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