Task 3

A) 5 famous slogans
'Just Do It' - Nike
'Finger Licking Good' - KFC
'Have a break, Have a KitKat' - KitKat
'Taste the rainbow' - Skittles
'Snickers, Get some nuts' - Snickers


This advert is a shock tactic advert which depicts a man driving dangerously and kills loads of children. This advert scares people into driving safely and cautiously as it reinforces fear of killing children. The fact that the start of the video is very calm reinforces the sense of safety and sensitivity. The children are innocent and ignorant to anything apart from the nature around them. This shocks the viewer into being more cautious about their surroundings are reinforces the fact that they should drive slowly.


The snickers advert depicts Mr Bean jumping over roofs with other samurais. He falls through a roof and is surrounded by other samurais. The idea of the advert is that ' your not you when your hungry' and you feel like Mr Bean. In relation to Maslow's hierarchy this advert would fit into a couple of main categories : physiological needs and also belonging. The fact that the main task of the advert is to sell a snicker they appeal to the sense of belonging and friendship by converting hungriness into comradary.

Many ads usually appeal to a certain demographic and as a result use people like those who they are aiming at. As a result of this ads usually are subject to stereotyping certain groups .An example we've been looking at was the asda Christmas ad which showed a woman doing all the housework and chores. She is usually frantically running around and never gets any free time. Although comically at the end when she finally has some rest her husband asks what's for tea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHUFZSa7JNc



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