Mac and PC advertising campaign

In this essay I will be talking about the Mac advertising campaign called Mac and PC. firstly I would like to discuss what an advertising campaign is a series of adverts which maybe different but convey the same message and sell the same product.

In the Mac and PC advertising campaign there are two people, one being an older larger business man who is stereotypically nerdy, and the other being a cool young lad who is much more cool and trendy. Each of these people represent a Mac or a PC. The fact that the PC is represented as an older uncool man convinces people that PC's are for the working uncool people. Although most of these ads are done in satire they do convey the point that Macs are much better.

Each ad usually conveys a certain point where a Mac is superior. A good example of this is the box ad where the people represent the computers straight out the box. The Mac is eager and raring to go where as the PC has to set up and boot and seems to be interested in boring things such as spreadsheets and documents. The Mac is interested in media and cool interesting things which makes the Mac seem like a better product. Although these adverts mostly make Mac seem like a better product , as they are apple ads, sometimes there are funnier points where the PC is portrayed as a better in certain ways. An example of this is when the PC says he has installed Mac products like iMovie and IPhoto, although this makes a PC seem like a good option in reality it only looks good because of apple influence.


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